Monday, December 21, 2009

the shoe fetish male is always and only by secret and a loners --- poppycock !!!

the shoe fetish male is always and only by secret and a loners --- poppycock !!!

FALSE STATEMENT ABOUT SHOE FETISHES; Someone once said shoe fetishists are always alone? Really, – SOME ARE because they are socially lacking. Most of us with any social skills and a sharing brain are not !!! – We know how to share and provide for a partners needs, first so a real relationship does exist. I have been with my partner with my fetish in the open for what seems to be more than four score and seven years. …. OK, over 30 years. We play together and stay together.


My Shoe Fetish Blog ---- Shoe fetish and Boot fetish newsgroup and blog -- PLEASE SHARE THIS LINK -- ALL STORIES AND DISCUSSIONS -- NO SPAM, NO COSTS, NO FEES, ETC. –



Shoe fetish and Boot fetish newsgroup -- PLEASE SHARE THESE LINKs -- ALL STORIES AND DISCUSSIONS -- NO SPAM, NO COSTS, NO FEES, ETC. --- The Shoe fetish, Boot fetish, Shoe sex, Boot sex, retifism, kinky shoes, kissing shoes, licking shoes, sharing shoes, shoe shopping fetish newsgroup and blog – it’s a place to bring your shoe fetish passion, discussions, and stories out of the closet and into the light of day ---

The Shoe fetish and Boot fetish newsgroup is a place to bring your shoe fetish passion, discussions, and stories out of the closet and into the light of day --- Thank you so much for your shared interest, and for some, your curiosity about shoe and boot fetishes. Statistics have it that there are +/-375,000 male shoe and boot fetishists in the U.S.A. alone. That does not count women or the rest of the world population. That number of people in the U.S.A. alone makes having a shoe fetish newsgroup an important place for many, most of which are still, as they say, still "in the closet", to share stories and discussions in a world where having a shoe fetish continues to have the stigma that the gay lesbian community once had long ago. It is time for those with a shoe/boot fetish to accept their passion and preferences, and then ignore what the clearly jealous and undersexed world thinks, and get “out of the closet”.

This is only an issue if you make it one

There is a google newsgroup for shoe fetishes if you are interested use groups search.

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