The Sex Life of the Foot and Shoe (Hardcover) at amazon - a great shoe fetish boot fetish retifism book.
~ William A. Rossi
This incredible book by William Rossi is back – at least for now!!! If you have not read it it is a must --- when you are done I then suggest “OUT OF THE CLOSET” A shoe fetish book with research, studies, commentary, and cases.
I read this book many, many years ago and have always wanted to obtain my own copy, and to read it again. I found this book to be UTTERLY FASCINATING...., interesting and a good giggle in places. The author clearly knows his subject, and one learns, for instance, the mystery behind Cinderella's glass slipper. It is NOT only a book for people with foot fetishes. It's a great read and I would recommend it to anyone. I can assure you that after reading this book, you will start noticing the shoes people wear... as certain types of people wear certain types of shoes.... SO TRUE! I just LOVE men in BOOTS!! Read all about it for yourselves!!!! (It will probably make you rush out and buy "appropriate" shoes!!!
I read this book a few years ago as well when I was doing research as a PsyD student. My thesis and research included this fetish and I found this book very useful, and singificant up to date from the older material available such as Psycho-Sexualis by Krafft and Ebbing. It was right on target and fun to read. The life of a true shoe fetishist is very intersting and very solo, but the life of shoe play incorporated into a sex life can be incredible with the right shoes. Although I never became a shoes only fetishist the experiments with women and their shoes turned out to be erotic and lots of fun. I only wish there was a sequal to this book with more current and explicit details for couples. My partner and I discovered so much more that can be done in play the book became a great starting point. Another discovery that we made was that although women do not share the same fetish as men they can, if open to experiment, share aspects of the fetish differently, but with just as much excitement and tension as men. As I have always felt, some designers of high fashion women's footwear may have utility in mind, (boring) but some designers "get it" and have a lot more in mind than utility when they design a woman's shoe or boot it is clearly to create sexual excitement.
This most delightful book is not only erotic and impossible to put down but is extremely well documented. The author cites over 100 sources to support his points. Many historical references to implications of various styles are nicely illustrated with drawings and photographs. It is impossible to refrain from self-analysis and sizing up the personalities of those around you based on the psychosexual themes conveyed through dressing the foot. The book is a comprehensive look at the historical and contemporary implications of the role feet and shoes play in flirtation and mating.
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